A platform for physiotherapy patients to get the prescribed therapy monitored by computer vision at home.
A web-based system which helps the users to improve their yoga poses by scoring them. The system
provides analytics and a leaderboard which gamifyies the experience and promotes better learning and
provides motivation.
A real-time voting system for VITC-Model United Nations using
GraphQL. The maximum voters supposed to vote at a given time are
about 200 in number.
A web-based solution for restaurants to accept dine-in orders. It gives the restaurant flexibility
to change the menu on-the-go. It also helps to reduce human error while taking orders, thus
increasing the satisfaction rate of the customers.
An Android app for all students of VIT to access their daily class schedule and post reviews of professors with a Firebase backend.
A web-based banking platform on a local server for Monopoly built on Python. It replaces the use of physical currency in the game with a Monopoly bank account for each player which can be accessed from a mobile, tablet or a computer. The system supports any number of players.